And still.

It is lost.
Drifted away
on the wind of what will be.

Through the tears
of knowledge we see
the time when destiny began.

The pain of loss
is settled now
in the soul of a nation,

Winding across
the clear cut forest
of our belief

to the absence foretold.
And still.
And still.
There is the flicker of a sunrise
through the smoke of a battle began
at the dawn of man.

It is the hope
of a life that lasts.
It is the answer for the one
and for the many.

And it is rising, rising
into the full day,
filling the chasm

of what must pass.
And still.
And still.
There is the flicker of a sunrise
rising, rising into the full day.

Bursting forth
out of a raging ocean
to reveal what was always beyond.

The flicker of a sunrise
rising, rising into eternity.

© 2012 Wasted Space Publishing

One thought on “And still.

  1. God’s promise to Noah (and to US!)
    “I solemnly promise you and your children and [all] you brought with you that…never again will the floods come and destroy all life.”

    What does he ask of Noah?
    “I have placed [all wild animals and birds and fish] in your power, and they are yours to use for food, in addition to grain and vegetables. BUT never eat animals unless their life-blood has been drained off. AND murder is forbidden. Man-killing animals must die, and any man who murders shall be killed; for to kill a man is to kill one made like God. THEREFORE, have many children and repopulate the earth and subdue it.”

    Your poem made me think of this. Substitute “floods” (of water) for floods of grief, despair, etc. and I believe the promise still holds–as you say: “The flicker of a sunrise rising.”

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